I am a writer and Education Consultant. I've authored many children’s books including Talie and Jinx, the Callista Adventure Series books, Benny the Turtle Series and the The Ugly Old Tree. I am the founder of THE READING EFFECT, an educational program aimed at generating an interest in reading in children.
Callista Explores Mars
Callista and The Case of the Missing Alphabet
Callista’s ABC Book
Callista’s Spooky Book
Callista Saves Christmas
Callista and the Scariest Halloween ever!
Callista and the Mystery on Grandpa’s Farm
Callista’s Book of Life
Benny Finds a Hat
Jinx the Imp
The Ugly Old Tree
Life Unwritten: The Road to Love is Paved with Murder (Screenplay Format)
Life Unwritten: Pearls of Wisdom for Women over 50
Mr. Monk and the Drive-Thru Killer (Radio Play Format)
Teen Trivia 2017
Thank you for your support!
Linda Garcia
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